In Brazil there's a custom among the mothers , in the shanty towns. When the children are crying with hunger in the evening, the mothers put a pan of water on the fire, put some stones in it and boil these stones. Then the mothers say: 'wait, wait, supper will be ready soon,' in the hope that their starving children will go to sleep, and stop crying in the meantime. That happens every day, repeated a thousand times. (CiB link)
scientific fascism
The higher we climb up the ladder of intelligence, the more we talk with intellectuals, the more likely we are to encounter socialist convictions. Initial surprise at finding that intelligent people tend to be socialist diminishes when one realizes that, of course, intelligent people will tend to overvalue intelligence. The (socialist) mind can conceive of order only as the result of deliberate arrangement. Yet order is desirable not for keeping everything in place but for generating new powers that would otherwise not exist. Once the productive activities of members of a cooperating group transcend the range of the individuals perception, the old impulse to follow inborn altruistic instincts actually hinders the formation of more extensive orders.
The value of order will grow with the variety of the individual. The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design. To extend human cooperation beyond the limits of human awareness requires being governed not by shared purposes but abstract rules of conduct.
Ever since the beginning of modern science, the best minds have recognized that “the range of acknowledged ignorance will grow with the advance of science.” Unfortunately, the popular effect of this scientific advance has been a belief, seemingly shared by many scientist, that the range of our ignorance is steadily diminishing and that we can therefore aim at more comprehension and deliberate control of all human activities. It is for this reason that those intoxicated by the advance of knowledge so often become the enemies of freedom.